Australians all let us rejoice,
for we are young and free.
We've golden soil and wealth for toil,
our home is girt by sea.
This random list of adjectives,
constructed to impress,
upon our post-colonial souls,
the idea that we're blessed.
And yet we still ignore you,
and thus reject your rest.
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross,
we'll toil with hearts and hands,
to make this Commonwealth of yours,
impervious to migrants.
Although we think our mateship
is our best quality,
we'll only accept visitors
by plane, but not by sea.
And if we're mates, we'll give mates rates,
in false equality.
With Christ our head and cornerstone,
we'll build our nation's might.
Whose way and truth and light alone,
can guide our path aright.
Our lives a sacrifice of love,
reflect our Master's care.
With faces turned to heaven above,
Advance Australia fair.
In joy-filled strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia...
... Where?
"Why do the nations conspire, and the rulers plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand against the Lord and against His Anointed One."
Please help our nation to turn from sin. To turn from murder, greed, bigamy, slander, tolerance, idiocy and vapid politics.
Turn our face towards you, in grace, peace and love.
You have blessed us so richly, you've given us much. We do have boundless plains for sharing. You have given us golden soil, that feeds and feeds us. You spread our wealth among the nations, and have endowed us with a strong sense of play. Our land abounds not in 'Nature's' gifts, but yours.
So much will be demanded in return.
Your loving care surrounds us Lord, please help us to see and thank you for it.
JO!!!!! That was hilarious (the first bit ...) SOOOOOOo funny!